7 Best AI Coding Tools to Generate Entire Apps

Paz Yanover
Paz Yanover
Sep 18, 2024
7 Best AI Coding Tools to Generate Entire Apps7 Best AI Coding Tools to Generate Entire Apps

As AI becomes increasingly integral to coding practices, developers face a critical decision in selecting the right AI coding tools.

GitLab's 2024 Global DevSecOps Report shows that 78% of respondents are currently using AI in software development or plan to in the next 2 years, up from 64% in 2023. This dramatic increase signals a seismic shift in how developers approach their craft.

However, the adoption of AI tools is fraught with challenges that extend beyond mere productivity concerns. Research by the University of Waterloo found that AI tools like GitHub's Copilot replicate vulnerable code about 33% of the time, while only replicating fixed code at a 25% rate. Furthermore, the GitLab report indicates that 66% of respondents don't trust the output from AI tools, while 63% feel these tools lack proper context of the codebase.

These findings emphasize the need for AI coding tools that not only boost productivity but also ensure reliability, contextual understanding, and seamless integration with existing workflows and codebases.

There are multiple AI tools out there today, so to help you navigate through the noise, we've put together a list of the best 7 AI coding tools that can significantly impact developers' effectiveness and output.

Top 7 AI Coding Tools

  1. Amplication
  2. GitHub Copilot
  3. Devin
  4. Magic
  5. Amazon Q Developer (previously known as CodeWhisperer)
  6. Gemini Code Assist
  7. Augment Code

1. Amplication

Amplication excels at rapidly prototyping, implementing, and deploying fully functional, production-ready backend services. Amplication's AI-powered platform generates complete enterprise-grade applications, while seamlessly integrating with existing workflows and third-party apps through diverse plugin system.

Amplication uses AI-driven advanced code generation to streamline application creation. Its core component, Jovu, an AI-powered assistant, generates deterministic and tested backend code for .NET and Node.js.

Amplication’s flexible architecture includes both an advanced code generator and a robust plugin system that supports community and private plugins. Both the code generator and plugins can be updated as requirements change or best practices evolve. These updates can be applied retroactively with a single click across all existing services, ensuring that microservices stay aligned with the latest standards, reducing technical debt, and minimizing manual maintenance efforts.


  • Production readiness: Amplication enables developers to quickly create and deploy fully functional backend services, significantly reducing development time for enterprise-grade applications.
  • Integration capabilities: The platform seamlessly integrates with existing workflows and third-party applications through plugins, allowing developers to incorporate tools like Slack for notifications, Sentry for error tracking, custom CI/CD pipelines, deployment to Docker, and many other workflows to enhance productivity across diverse tech stacks and project requirements.
  • Code quality and consistency: Jovu, the AI assistant, generates deterministic and tested code, ensuring high-quality output that adheres to best practices and maintains consistency across projects.
  • Automated synchronization: the Git Sync feature automatically synchronizes project changes with Git repositories, streamlining version control and code management processes.
  • Technical debt mitigation: Through its code generator and flexible plugin system, Amplication helps reduce technical debt by allowing updates over time. These updates can be applied retroactively across all existing microservices with just a click of a button, ensuring that they remain compliant with the latest standards and best practices. This streamlined process keeps all services aligned and up to date, eliminating the need for manual intervention and reducing maintenance overhead


  • Language limitations: currently, Amplication is limited to generating backend code for Node.js and .NET, which may not suit developers working with other programming languages.
  • Backend focus: the platform is primarily designed for backend development, potentially requiring additional tools or platforms for frontend and full-stack projects.
  • Business logic constraints: while Amplication generates structural code efficiently, it does not include specific business logic, which still requires manual implementation by developers.

2. GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant developed by GitHub and OpenAI. It integrates seamlessly with popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), like Visual Studio Code and offers real-time code suggestions and autocompletion.

Copilot has gained popularity for its ability to generate code snippets and functions. However, it's worth noting that the code created by Copilot can include vulnerabilities in 33% of cases, according to the latest research.


  • IDE integration: Copilot seamlessly integrates with popular IDEs, providing a smooth user experience within familiar coding interfaces.
  • Real-time suggestions: the tool offers instant code suggestions and autocompletion, potentially increasing coding speed and efficiency for developers.
  • Language versatility: Copilot supports a wide range of programming languages, making it useful for diverse development projects and multi-language codebases.
  • Customization: users can fine-tune code suggestions and preferences based on their coding style, allowing for a more personalized coding experience.


  • Code accuracy: Copilot often generates code with vulnerabilities, necessitating careful review and testing of suggested code.
  • Contextual understanding: Copilot may not fully grasp the broader context of a project or specific business requirements, leading to less relevant suggestions in complex scenarios.
  • Intellectual property concerns: there are ongoing debates about the intellectual property implications of using AI-generated code, which developers should be aware of when implementing Copilot's suggestions.

3. Devin

Devin, developed by Cognition Labs, is an AI-powered software development tool designed to automate various stages of the coding process, from code generation to testing and debugging. While it exhibits potential, Devin remains in development and is not yet ready for full-scale production use.

Devin's current effectiveness is limited to well-defined, specific tasks, often requiring substantial human oversight to produce reliable results. Early adopters have reported encouraging experiences with its capabilities. As the tool matures, it has the potential to significantly streamline various aspects of the development process.cases.


  • Comprehensive automation: Devin aims to handle end-to-end coding tasks, including planning, implementation, error handling, and debugging, potentially streamlining the entire development process.
  • Task versatility: the tool is designed to assist with a wide range of coding tasks, from simple code generation to complex problem-solving scenarios.
  • Continuous learning: as an AI-powered tool, Devin has the potential to improve and adapt based on user interactions and feedback, potentially becoming more effective over time.
  • Innovative approach: Devin's autonomous agent design represents a novel approach to AI-assisted coding, which could pave the way for more advanced coding assistants in the future.


  • Limited real-world readiness: Devin is still in development and not yet fully prepared for production use, making it more suitable for experimental or non-critical projects.
  • Inconsistent performance: the tool's effectiveness can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the task, excelling in simple scenarios but struggling with more intricate, real-world challenges.
  • Lack of proven track record: as a relatively new tool, Devin lacks a substantial body of user feedback and real-world success stories, making it a riskier choice for critical development tasks.

4. Magic

Magic is an AI-powered platform aiming to transform software development through advanced code generation and collaborative project management. The platform integrates into existing development workflows, providing extensive context awareness by analyzing entire code repositories, bridging traditional coding practices and AI-driven automation.

Magic is still in its early stages and not yet fully available as a fully-fledged product. It is primarily suited for assisting with smaller-scale tasks rather than managing complete production-level applications independently.


  • Context awareness: Magic analyzes entire code repositories, potentially offering more relevant and contextually appropriate code suggestions.
  • Workflow integration: the platform is designed to integrate seamlessly into existing development workflows, minimizing disruption to established processes.
  • Collaborative features: Magic emphasizes collaborative project management, which could enhance team coordination and productivity in software development.
  • Ambitious scope: the platform aims to handle a wide range of tasks, from GPU kernel optimization to managing large-scale infrastructure, potentially offering a comprehensive solution for diverse coding needs.


  • Early stage development: as Magic is still in its early stages, it may lack the stability and reliability required for mission-critical or large-scale projects.
  • Limited availability: the product is not yet fully available, which could pose challenges for teams looking to implement it in their current workflows.
  • Unproven performance: with limited real-world usage, the actual effectiveness and efficiency of Magic in various development scenarios remain to be seen.

5. Amazon Q Developer

Amazon Q Developer, formerly known as CodeWhisperer, is an AI-powered coding assistant developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers a range of features designed to enhance developer productivity, particularly for those working within the AWS ecosystem.

While Amazon Q Developer demonstrates effectiveness in automating various coding tasks and enhancing productivity, it's particularly beneficial for developers working extensively with AWS services.


  • AWS integration: Amazon Q Developer is deeply integrated with AWS services, making it particularly effective for developers working within the AWS ecosystem.
  • Context-aware suggestions: the AI produces code suggestions based on the context of the entire workspace, potentially leading to more relevant and accurate code completions.
  • Security focus: as an AWS product, Amazon Q Developer likely adheres to strong security practices, which can be crucial for enterprise-level development.
  • Automated code generation: the tool can help develop entire features or make code changes to existing projects, potentially speeding up the development process.


  • Limited scope: Amazon Q Developer is primarily designed for AWS-related tasks, which may limit its usefulness for projects not heavily reliant on AWS services.
  • File size limitations: there's a maximum size limit for code files or folders that can be used as context, which may impact its effectiveness for larger projects.
  • Dependency on AWS knowledge: To fully leverage Amazon Q Developer's capabilities, developers may need a strong understanding of AWS services and architecture.

6. Google Gemini Code Assist

Google Gemini Code Assist is a relatively new AI-powered coding tool developed by Google, designed to assist developers with various coding tasks. While it exhibits potential, early reviews suggest it may still be in a nascent stage compared to more established alternatives.

While Google Gemini Code Assist showcases innovative features, especially in its integration with Google's ecosystem and its large context window, early reviews indicate it may not yet match the capabilities of more established tools like GitHub Copilot.


  • Large context Window: Gemini Code Assist boasts a 1 million-token context window, potentially allowing for more accurate suggestions based on a broader codebase analysis.
  • Google ecosystem integration: the tool likely integrates well with other Google developer tools and services, which could be beneficial for teams already using Google's tech stack.
  • Versatility: Gemini Code Assist is designed to handle a variety of coding tasks, from code generation to answering programming questions, potentially serving as a comprehensive coding assistant.
  • Continuous improvement: as a Google product, it's likely to receive regular updates and improvements, potentially becoming more powerful and reliable over time.


  • Inconsistent performance: Early reviews suggest that Gemini Code Assist shows inconsistencies in its performance, sometimes failing to generate code in expected situations or producing suggestions in incorrect languages.
  • Limited track record: As a relatively new tool, Gemini Code Assist lacks the extensive user feedback and proven reliability of more established alternatives.

7. Augment Code

Augment Code is a new AI-powered coding assistant designed to enhance developer productivity and code quality, particularly for large-scale enterprise codebases. While still in early access, it offers several features tailored for professional development teams.

The effectiveness of Augment's custom AI models and its claims of superior speed and code quality will need to be independently verified as more developers gain access to the platform.


  • Enterprise focus: Augment Code is specifically designed for large-scale enterprise codebases, potentially offering tailored solutions for complex, professional development environments.
  • Custom AI models: the platform uses AI models tuned specifically for code generation, which could lead to more accurate and reliable suggestions.
  • Codebase awareness: Augment aims to generate code that reflects the APIs and coding patterns specific to a company's codebase, potentially improving consistency and integration.
  • Best practices implementation: the tool focuses on incorporating internal best practices from senior engineers, which could help maintain high coding standards across development teams.


  • Limited availability: as Augment Code is still in early access, its features and performance may not be fully tested or optimized for all use cases.
  • Potential learning curve: new users may need time to understand and effectively leverage all of Augment's features, particularly its custom AI models and enterprise-focused capabilities.
  • Integration challenges: while designed for enterprise use, integrating Augment Code into existing large-scale development workflows may present unforeseen challenges or compatibility issues.

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Choosing the Right Tool for Your Development Needs

Tools like Amplication offer comprehensive backend development solutions with production-ready output. Others like GitHub Copilot excel in autocompleting small code snippets and functions.

When you're making a decision to use an AI tool, consider these factors:

  • Project scope: for building new applications or modernizing legacy systems, platforms like Amplication provide end-to-end solutions. For writing code snippets within existing projects, tools like GitHub Copilot or Amazon Q Developer can be helpful.
  • Team expertise: evaluate the learning curve associated with each tool and how it aligns with your team's skills.
  • Integration needs: assess how well the tool fits with your existing development stack and workflow.
  • Scalability requirements: For enterprise-grade applications, prioritize tools that support scalable architectures, microservices, and supply production-ready, tested code.
  • Governance support: If working in regulated industries, focus on tools with strong governance features.


Each of the AI coding tools that we reviewed here offers unique strengths and comes with its own set of cautions. Success depends on selecting the right one that fits your specific development needs and workflow. As these technologies progress, staying informed and adaptable will be key for developers and organizations looking to maximize AI's potential in their software development practices.