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Terraform - AWS Database RDS
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Adds terraform code for provisioning Amazon Web Services Relational Database Service (RDS) as an addition to the 'core' terraform code base.


Adds terraform code for provisioning Amazon Web Services Relational Database Service (RDS) as an addition to the 'core' terraform code base.


Note Currently only postgres is supported as a to be generated database engine type.

postgres or <database-engine> select the database engine type to be generated, currently support: postgres

postgres.identifier the identifier for the database - for example used in building the connection string.

postgres.instance_class the instance class used by the database instance.

postgres.database_name the name for the database that is populated by default.

postgres.username the name of the master user for the database instance.

postgres.port the port used by the database instance. the storage allocated to the database instance. the maximum storage allocated to the database instance.

postgres.maintenance.window the maintenance window for the database instance

postgres.backup.window the time-window for the backup.

postgres.backup.retention_period the amount of days to keep the automated backups for. the name for the vpc security group for the database, allowing traffic from inside the vpc to flow to the database instance.


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