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Terraform - AWS Repository ECR
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Adds terraform code for provisioning Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Registry (ECR) as an addition to the 'core' terraform code base.


The purpose of this plugin is to be able to add a terraform code that can be used to provision a container registry within Amazon Elastic Container Registry.


repository_name determines what the name of the repository for the generated service will be - in the following format:<repository_name>`

repository_type determines what type the repository will be, this can eiter be public or private.

configuration adds additional configuration to the container repository.

configuration.force_delete determines if the repository will be deleted on a terraform destroy - even if it contains container images.


As this is an addition to the code base, where non of the other code is touched, using the plugin won't impact the final build.

Get started with Amplication and Terraform - AWS Repository ECR