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The generated service from Amplication has support for starting service in HTTP mode only. This plugin adds support for HTTPS mode and TLS termination at application level. This plugin is useful when you want to deploy your application to a cloud provider that supports TLS termination at application level or load balancer is not available.


This adds support for startup of multiple servers in the same process. The plugin will start the HTTP server and HTTPS server in the same process if APP_MODE is set to both as shown in NEST documentation. You can change the behavior by changing environment variables.


The plugin has following configuration options:

  • appMode - The mode in which the application will start. The default value is both. The possible values are http, https and both. If the value is http only HTTP server will be started. If the value is https only HTTPS server will be started. If the value is both both HTTP and HTTPS servers will be started. (default: both, options: http, https, both)

[!NOTE] The behavior of the plugin can be changed later too by changing the environment variables.

  • httpsPort - The port on which the HTTPS server will listen. (default: 443, options: 1-65535). Only used when APP_MODE is set to both. In case of https mode the port is always the earlier defined PORT environment variable.

  • httpsCertDir - The directory where the HTTPS certificate and key files are located. (default: ./certs, optional)

  • httpsCertName - The name of the certificate file to be used for HTTPS server. (default: server.crt, optional)

  • httpsKeyName - The name if the server key to be used for HTTPS server. (default: server.key, optional)

  • caKeyName - The name of the CA key to be used for HTTPS server. (default: ca.key, optional)

  • caCertName - The name of the CA certificate to be used for HTTPS server. (default: ca.crt, optional)



Running npm run build will bundle the plugin with Webpack for production.


Running npm run dev will watch the plugin's source code and automatically bundle it with every change.


Running npm run test will run the plugin's tests using Jest.


To start the server you can use the "ssl:generate" script as follows:

npm run ssl:generate

This will generate the HTTPS certificate and key files in the ./certs directory. The default values for the certificate and key files are server.crt and server.key respectively. You can change the values by setting the httpsCertName and httpsKeyName environment variables.

Get started with Amplication and HTTPS