The April 2023 Newsletter

Michael  Solati
Michael Solati
Apr 23, 2023
The April 2023 NewsletterThe April 2023 Newsletter

To my favorite Amplication developer,

We hope you enjoyed our last newsletter. If you didn't see it, that's ok; you can read it here. I'm back today to tell you about what we've been working on this past March and give you a sneak peek at what's coming in April. Be sure to grab a seat because these updates may be a lot to handle!

Community Updates

Amplication in Seattle

On April 12th, the Amplication team attended SeattleJS, where we sponsored the event and gave a presentation. Those who attended learned a lot and even walked away with some gorgeous Amplication SWAG.

10,000 🌟 on GitHub

We're getting close to the 10,000-star milestone on GitHub and sitting at roughly 9,500 stars. We're so grateful for your support, and if you still need to give our repo a star on GitHub, we encourage you to do so. Visit our repo and click that star button.

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Platform Updates

In March, we significantly improved the onboarding experience for creating a service. Our new wizard walks developers through creating a service, making it easier than ever to get started. We're committed to making it simple and intuitive for anyone to create a backend.

Amplication Service Wizard in action

Additionally, we're actively working on expanding our Git sync providers and are getting ready to launch support for Bitbucket. This update will be huge, as developers can sync their code to more places. We'll continue to add new Git providers soon after. (I'm personally hoping GitLab comes next.)

New Content

Finally, we wanted to highlight some new content we created in March.

The Django Node.js Alternative

Amplication’s founder, Yuval, wrote an excellent new article called "The Django Node.js Alternative," which explores NestJS as a solid alternative to Django with different features that make it attractive to web developers. So if you're looking to switch to NestJS with the help of Amplication, give it a read.

Guarding Your Routes in NestJS

I also released an Amplication developer guide video titled "Guarding Your Routes in NestJS," which shows you how to write and implement a NestJS Guard for your backend service. They're a critical component of building secure backends and simpler to implement than you think.

Wrapping Up

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We're excited to continue working with you to make Amplication the best possible developer tool. Tune in May when we'll share all the great updates we made in April.

Michael Solati

Developer Advocate @ Amplication